Appropriate handling
Operating Manual
Operating Manual
For verope® special wire ropes according to machinery directive 2006/42/EC
EC Declaration of Conformity
We hereby declare, that the equipment sold by us because of its design and construction, as mentioned below, corresponds to the appropriate basic requirements of safety and health of the corresponding EG-Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, as well as to the harmonized and national norms, also mentioned below, and technical specifi cations. In case of any equipment modifi cations, not being agreed upon with us, this declaration becomes invalid. The applied harmonized standards as defi ned by the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC are EN 12385 Part 1-4 for the wire rope and EN 12411 Part 1-8 partly or as whole for the wire rope end terminations. verope. special wire ropes are stranded ropes for general lifting applications. There is a huge variety in terms of size and shapes of the verope. wire rope and end termination systems. This operating manual only describes the systems in general without going into detail of all possible variations.
Intended Use
Ropes as a machine or part of a machine may only be used for their predetermined purpose. All verope® special wire ropes may only be used for lifting purposes as part of hoists or load handling devices. Every use beyond is deemed to be incorrect and eliminates the manufacturer’s liability. Proper use includes, that the ropes may only be used in compliance with the relevant standards and specifications of the respective crane manufacturer. Special attention must be paid to the maximum safe working load and installation conditions (maximum bending radius, maximum defl ection angle, maximum temperature, etc.). An independent reduction of the safety factors specified by the machinery or by the user is inadmissible and, in the worst case scenario, a danger to life and physical condition and additionally may result in high damage costs.

verope® special wire ropes and their end terminations may only be installed in a system approved for this purpose. The system has to be adapted in its dimensions (e.g. openings, bolts, etc.) to the respective final rope termination. If there is any doubt ,verope® AG has to be consulted. The user must ensure adequate inspection and maintenance of the ropes. In the event of any doubt to the ability of verope®.
special wire ropes to practice its intended use, verope® AG must be consulted. If there are laws or regulations available in the user country that go beyond the generally known standards and regulations, they must be followed.

Pierre Verreet, CEO
verope® AG | St. Antons Gasse 4a | CH-6300 Zug ZG – Switzerland
Tel: + 41 (0) 41 72 80 880 |